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Thanksgiving Week Workouts Review

A change of scenery - trail running in Tyler, TX.

It was a nice week of fewer workouts, more family stuff, and a little bit of travel to the Piney Woods of Tyler Tx. I managed to squeak in 11.5 hours of solid training, most of it higher quality than usual. No swimming this week; just biking and running. Click on the links to see the workout's full HR graphs and speed charts.

Monday - 1 hour run, 6.5 miles

Nice night run, starting off easy with the dog, hitting target training effect about 45 minutes into it and then coasting the rest of the way home.

Tuesday AM - 1 hour Bike, 15.5 miles
1 hour ride on the rollers, doing "The Hunted" - the latest video from The Sufferfest.

Great video and you can see from the chart how I was hammering home the sprints at the end. Highly Recommended.

Tuesday PM - 30 minute run, 2.93 miles

Short evening run. Cold, crappy weather. Wasn't feeling it, so cashed it in for a nap.

Wednesday - Day off.

Thursday AM - 1 hour run, 5.4 miles

Running barefoot on treadmill. Working on form and nutrition. Emily was gone, running a Turkey Trot 5k with a friend.

Friday PM - 3 hour bike, 50 miles

Truly a rockin' ride. Nice and hilly, mostly on a quiet toll road and country roads in the Piney Woods of Tyler, TX.

This ride was all about working on proper nutrition and I nailed it. HR graph shows ultra-smooth pattern, even with the big hills.

Saturday AM - 1 hour run, 6.3 miles

One of many weird and fun items I find while out running.

Still in East Texas. Took off to the east and just ran like crazy wherever it took me. Ran through some woods and down a highway, turning around at an Exxon station and headed back. Found a license plate on the ground.

Started off chilly but warmed up. Also started off with a really high HR for some mysterious reason, but it settled down quickly. Great run!

Saturday PM, part 1 - 1 hour bike, 18.4 miles

1 hour on the rollers, going pretty hard, staying at the top end of my target HR zone (125-135 BPM). Went over 135 quite often. Got off the bike and went straight to the treadmill. HR failed to log on this one for some reason.

Saturday PM, part 2 - 1 hour run, 6.94 miles

Great fast barefoot run on treadmill. Hovered around 7.1 mph for a long time. Pushed this one to upper end of target zone, but stayed below 135 BPM for the most part.

Watch kept trying to pick up bike sensor, since it was right next to the treadmill. No HR graph since I just used the treadmill's numbers instead.

Sunday AM, 3 hour bike, 48.2 miles

Legs very sore from last few days and also lost a few pounds over past couple of days, undoing damage from Turkey Day.

This ride was a bit confusing to me. Felt like I needed to abandon the plan of 1 scoop of Perpetuem per hour at about 70 minutes in, and look what happened. Was it too much fuel? Too little? It felt like too little, but I'm a poor judge of this. Something to continue working on for sure.

Weekly Totals:

Cycling - 7:57 hours, 131.4 miles
Running - 3:34 hours, 28.10 miles
Not a bad week for a lot of family stuff going on. Really enjoyed the reduced hours and hanging out with family. Made huge progress in getting the HR up for more workouts and looking for more improvements on the nutrition for long rides.

Reader Comments (1)

Nice work. 99% of Americans never made it off their couches since Monday ;)

November 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGrok

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