"How to Date a Triathlete" - Book Review

I never thought I'd be reading a book with such liberal use of the phrase "tight buns", but then, this is a book about triathletes.
My wife read it aloud while we drove home to Texas from a triathlon-themed vacation in Boulder, CO. Somewhere between the widely-spaced mesas and the gas stations with served diesel that surely tasted better than the food, Emily cracked this book open. We are both so glad she did.
We laughed aloud several times at some of the insights the author provides. I'm even a little concerned how my wife gleefully read to me the part about the author fantasizing about running over her husband's bike in a fit of jealousy. I'm sensing a little too much giggling on
her part.
The book needs just a few syntax and factual fixes, but overall, it's a nice read. Emily and I both agreed that it could be a great benefit to somebody struggling with dating an endurance athlete. The author also includes a glossary of triathlon terms at the end for those needing some help with new terminology.
Check it out or give it to a friend that you think might need some
insight. Heck, nearly anybody in the triathlon community could be
surprised with the help some of the tips or stories provides.
Reader Comments (2)
For more laughs in a similar way, have a listen to the "Ironband" with their song "Not Tonight Honey (I've Got a 20-Miler in the Morning)" free from their website http://ironbandmusic.com/music.cfm - it is a real blast.
MY wife needs this book