Podcast - ZenTri in Boulder, Colorado!

Brett with Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington
Join in for a listen as ZenTri hits the road and heads to the triathlon Mecca of Boulder, Co. for a week of fun! See what it's really like in the city with the highest density of outdoor athletes anywhere. We swim, bike, run, and eat with the world's best!
- Black bean burger with a side of cigarettes.
- At Cracker Barrel, "veggies" means ham.
- Morgan is the man!
- Wind-meals!
- Trail running around the Boulder Reservoir.
- Made Emily a promise I can't reveal yet.
- I blew out a flip flop, had to walk barefoot down a mountain.
- Interview with Kate Brown of
- Hanging out at the Boulder Teahouse.
- Interview review with Jessi Stensland.
- Encounter with Chrissie Wellington.
- Bouldering with Emily.
- On the bike, climbing up to Ward, CO., Elevation 9,000 ft.
- Another trail run experience.
- Full on double chipmunk, across the sky.
- 142 BPM at 4.7 MPH. = STEEP!
- Fix your back pain by strengthening your abs?
- What's great about Boulder.
- Spotted the Japanese women's Olympic marathon team.
- Cresting the climb into Ward.
- Soaking feet in a cold mountain stream.
- No cell phone signal for hours causes a little fear, but is also exciting.
- Hanging out downtown with Emily on Pearl Street.
- Morning swim in an outdoor meter pool.
- In Estes Park, heading into Rocky Mountain National Park.
- Kai has a pet slicing penguin.
- Our trip ends up being more epic than we bargained for.
- Double rainbows, everywhere.
Reader Comments (5)
Why is is you delete all my comments sir?
I saw those comments. He obviously deleted them because they were hateful and rude. And as useful as spam. If you hate this website so much, you sure are spending a lot of time here. Go get a life and quit being a troll.
@CleavlanJane LOL! Agreed!
Been waiting for this episode! sweeeeeeeeeeeet!
i am trying to understand why no negative comments or any comments for that matter are never read on the show. is it because nobody ever leaves any comments? that was my opinion mr clevelandjane and i really dont care for your language. you must be mad because number 1 you live in cleveland and number 2 it is a losers city. i will never listen to this show ever again and i will never comment again. goodbye sir.
Hey Googod. Hurry up and make a podcast where you just sit there and read comments on a blog so I can unsubscribe from it.