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Podcast - Back in Texas

Hey there, tri studs and studettes!  We head back to Texas, training in the heat while I cover Zen and training topics on willpower, rolling meditation, flexibility,  fueling and HR monitors, enlightenment, bananas, and the difference between "what" and "why".
Show notes!
Out on a run.
Bought a MacBook Pro.
You're not being creative unless you do it the way Steve Jobs says so.
Suji the PowerCat chewed through the USB cable to my iPhone.
Neighborhood kids are punks.
Singlespeed bike ride entanglement workout.
A moment of lust with my computer.
The curse of country music.
The gap between wanting and achieving is called "willpower".
Birthday run and surprise party.
Rolling meditation?
Be yourself, y'all.
Speed in the water is more about flexibility than power.
Kai attacks off the front.
H20 Audio headphones are far better than Skullcandies.
Correct fueling and heart rate monitor usage tips.
The difference between enlightenment and a banana.
Pay attention to the "what" instead of the the "why".

Click here to listen!

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