Solved? Not Exactly.

I was reading a section of the most recent Triathlete Magazine, where they tell you how to fix common problems. The problem is posed, followed by "SOLVED:" and a fix. Nice. But you can't solve all your problems. New ones will just pop up in their place.
You are performing at your current level because of the problems keeping you there. Solve them and move up a level, and then get different problems. You could solve your racing nutrition problems and win an Ironman. Ok, next new problem - Quit work and live on nearly nothing with terrible health insurance or keep working and provide for you and your entire family. Another example - Lots of problems in triathlon can be solved with better equipment. New problem - how will you pay for that? Oof.
The alternative? Embrace your problems and enjoy working through them. They are your problems, after all. And learn that you can't make them go away without changing how you operate, and that change comes with its own new set of challenges.
There is no "solved" in triathlon (or life). At best it's, "Welcome to the next level. Now run like Hell."
Reader Comments (1)
Nice topic to talk about thanks