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This is Your Brain on Triathlon

Join me for some surfing and running!

  • Week off after running 50 miles.

  • Morgan's Oaklies.

  • How heat affects you.

  • Running upright as possible is the fastest form? June Runner's World.

  • Kaizen - changing habits a little at a time.

  • 100 pushups a day program via Mcnitt on twitter.

  • Sethnickerson on twitter wishes he was at the beach.

  • Ttriboomer'sStay Tuned Report show is a gooder!

  • Check out the video Podcast.

  • Ultimate running song - TIMER by Moving Atlas.

  • Donation from the pentagon?

  • Emily is getting back into it! running, weights...

  • Ragnar Radar report by Emily

  • Look for the audio on Google. There's a guy from Google walking round your house in your bathrobe RIGHT NOW.

  • Thanks Moonpie!

  • Hornet Juice Contest winners - Jay See with his epic video and Jeremy Webb (gusano)

  • We'll give each of them 100 Hj packets spread over 3 months plus a shirt and cap. All those who sent in their feedback get 30 packets each.

  • What is it with people coming back from the dead with HJ? We should name this stuff zombie juice!

  • Just came back from watching batman. Somebody needs to make a short film with just Heath Ledger. I'm calling dibbs on the joker outfit for halloween.

  • I just got a functional iPhone and HOLY CRAP is it amazing. Updated workoutlog, checked weather, sent email to emily, all while listening to a podcast in way less time than firing up a computer. what a timesaver! Can walk around with theme music!

  • Shout out to Jetpack and Special K. Just got married!

Reader Comments (5)

"Somebody needs to make a short film with just Heath Ledger."

Newsflash...he died a while back.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFlatman

Um, yeah. Everbody knows that. I also said "It's so sad that he's dead." You got bike grease in your ears? :)

I was saying that somebody needs to take the Joker parts he played and splice those into a short film. That's the best parts of Batman and would be more fun to watch than waiting for them scattered in a 2 and a half hour movie.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertexafornia

What a great post Bret!! Got your message about running 50 miles last week and 6 of them was in a thunderstorm! In the words of us New Englander's. Wicked cool!! I love running in the rain.

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMangoRunner

another I-phone soldier....they are everywhere! You guys are killing me!

August 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBigun

I'm lovin' the podcast.
Re: Running in the heat. I run with a stupid stocking cap on almost all year (until it gets really hot) and I think that is why a acclimate to the heat quickly. (Western) Oregon is moderate mostly, so much of that time I don't really need the hat--I wear it anyway.

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLori

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