Nine tips for Ironman Nutrition on Race Day

Here is nine tips for race-day nutrition that have helped me over the years:
1. Cut caffeine out of your diet 3 weeks before race day.
2. Eat easily digestible food high in calories 4 hours before race start. I use bagels.
3. Eat a normal small breakfast when you get up.
4. Drink a Gatorade or equivalent right before the swim
5. Pay attention to HR on the bike and run. It will tell you if your nutrition is off.
6. Drink about one liter of water per hour.
7. Take a small amount of caffeine when you wake up, halfway through the bike, end of bike, and middle of run.
8. Take Ibuprofin halfway through bike, end of bike, halfway through run, but only for comfort, not to mask serious pain.
9. If you can't maintain a smile, you are going too hard.
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