Weekly Totals and Review, Nov. 29 - Dec 5.

I believe I hit a new PR for weekly miles run, all while getting back into the pool and going out of town for the weekend on a family vacation. These are good signs for training for the Rocky Raccoon 100. Let's check it out -
Monday - 1 hour run, 6.26 miles
Nice evening negative split push-run, first half with Roxy. Felt sloppy at first, but then the energy started pouring on! Must've been the Hornet Juice in the water bottle. :)
Barefoot running on treadmill is paying off big time. I have a completely new form that feels better the faster I go. :)
Tuesday AM - 51 minute bike on rollers, 11.72 mi.
I transferred over my negative split running technique to the bike and I'm extremely happy with the results. I spent the first half hour warming up, watching some videos on the laptop. I then used music from stereomood.com for the second half while I increased my heart rate by one beat per minute.
My biggest problem on the bike for the past few years is the inability to get my HR up on training rides. This method seems to have fixed that issue. I can finally "break out" of low HR.
Tuesday PM - 1 hour run, 5.5 miles
1 hour barefoot running on the treadmill. This workout was a real bummer! I got hungry and ate a few slices of pizza before the run and paid for it big time. It made me super sleepy and I couldn't get my HR up for 45 minutes. Gotta avoid that type of food before workouts no matter what!
Wednesday AM - Swim, 25 minutes of 100's on a 1:40 pace - 1600 yards total.
This was an extra-nice swim, just getting to the pool and playing around. If I haven't been in a while, my first time back is always frustrating, so I set my expectations really low. I couldn't find my swimsuit, keys, was late by half an hour, and on and on. So, it's a huge success to just get there. I got that done, so I'm happy. :)
Wednesday PM - 1 hour run, 6.97 miles, no notes
Thursday AM - 55 minute bike, 17.04 miles, no notes (but looking pretty epic! :) )
Thursday PM - 1 hour run, 7.22 miles
Another night run, first half with Roxy, second half escalating negative split. Getting a lot faster. Starting to run out of neighborhood to run in!
Friday AM - 1 hour swim, 3700 yards
I decided to start getting back into the groove of a full hour of swimming. Set out doing 100s on a 1:37 pace, but that got a little too slow after 20 minutes. I bumped it up to a 1:30 pace after that and found a nice groove. Beautiful day, too!
Saturday AM - 1.5 Hour run, 9.5 miles
We spent the weekend at a log cabin in the Texas Hill Country outside of Wimberly, a quiet and remote place. (Video tomorrow) I wanted to get in a run before the family got up and training time disappeared, so I went running off into the night. It is hilly, and a bit of an extreme environment, so it was a blast. Did the whole run on a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. Felt great.
Saturday PM - 1.5 Hour run, 9.5 miles
Emily joined me for the first part and we had a good jog. I used the same fuel, which worked fine, but it was much warmer and I got a little dehydrated at the end and feeling a little lagged. |
Sunday AM - 1.5 Hour run, 9.5 miles
I couldn't sleep, so I went out for my morning run much earlier than usual - 4 AM. I had a great time and felt very strong after a half hour warm-up.
Sunday PM - 30 minute bike, 7.7 miles
I did a good job of getting on the bike and moving, but then found my legs were very sore, so I cut it short after half an hour. Ate half a peanut butter sandwich with just a tiny bit of honey for sweetness before I got started and I liked it. That might just become a habit!
Running - 8:33 hours
Cycling - 2:17 hours
Swimming - 1:21 hours
All - 12:17 hours
Running - 54.71 mile
Cycling - 36.53 mile
Swimming - 3.10 mile
Training Effect
Training Effect: 4 & 5 - 0 hours
Training Effect: 3 - 2:56 hours
Training Effect: 2 - 7:20 hours
Training Effect: 1 - 1:30 hours
Heart Rate Zones
Maximal 0:00 hours
Very hard 0:31 hours
Hard 2:14 hours
Moderate 5:56 hours
Easy 2:08 hours
Summary - I spent about an hour more working out than last week, and an hour more in zone 3. I can definitely feel that zone 3! I got much faster from it.
Reader Comments (1)
I do most of my training on the threshold of Z2/Z3. Not only have I noticed my aerobic threshold has gone up by about 5 heartbeats per minute in the last year, but I raced a 10k last weekend and I shocked myself with how fast I could run considering I haven't done any speed work at all. Speed was an unplanned but welcome side effect of lots of Z2 and Z2 hours.