Hornet Juice Winner and Getting it Done

The winner with the best quote, winning 50 free packets of HJ is 'Sylvian'. Also, big props for the first known use of "dandy" on this blog. Send an email to texafornia at gmail dot com and we'll get it shipped to you.
I also want to take a moment to talk about the right mindset for working out. A good friend recently told me that she was going to try to go swim, but she wasn't going to be able to swim anywhere near as fast as me.
What a way to set yourself up for failure or a performing nowhere near your best! "Try" instead of "do" and pre-defining how well you'll do compared to others is like wearing a lead life jacket. I turned to her and said, "Quit worrying about how fast you'll swim and just go swim."
We really do worry to much about how we will do compared to others instead of focusing on what we need to do right now. It's called being goal-oriented instead of process-oriented. Go with the process-oriented way through life and you'll be happier because you can truly focus on what's in front of you and do a great job. This approach actually increases the chances that you'll reach your goals, anyway.
When you are goal-oriented, you spend mental effort and energy judging how you are doing and also psyching yourself out the second you imagine that you might be falling behind. Go process-oriented and you get in that magical "zone" where you pay so much attention to what you are doing, and doing it well, you actually do the best you possibly can. Practice this and you will be far ahead of your former self that kept getting in it's own way with narrowed options for success.
You can find out more about this method in Chapter 5 of "Finding Your Zone" by Dr. Michael Lardon.
Have a great Friday, wherever you are!
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