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« ZenTri Podcast 534 - Road Rash is Cool | Main | ZenTri Podcast 532 - Back on the Bike »

Podcast Episode 533 - Bacon and Eggs

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(My bike taking a break on the long ride from the podcast.)

We cover a lot of ground on this episode. After a quick reintroduction for new listeners about who I am, I play a clip from This Week in Tech where Dan Benjamin talks about his failing health in spite of being vegetarian.

It was really unusual, but also familiar to me as a triathlete that eats tons of carbs.  I have no opinion about it, mostly because I am not sure of it myself.  Interesting listen for sure.

(Typical sunset on latest evening runs)

I also talk about how triathletes swim/bike/run versus how single-sporters swim/bike/run.  Here's the article that I mention that outlines the differences.

Beets?  Anybody say beeeeeeeeeets?  I just struck up a relationship with Beet It, who makes beet juice shots.  Here's why.

And finally, here's a video of the smoke ring I talked about on the podcast when a transformer blew up...

And as always, lots of other goodies inside.  Everybody stay safe out there and enjoy!

Reader Comments (2)

Protein: Protein is needed for muscle growth and Recovery. The amount of protein needed is based on, what you would say, a Zen understanding. Protein needs are determined by the individual. Not enough protein slows recovery, a slow recovery means that the metabolism is not functioning at an optimal level. Our Metabolism function is based on our muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle endurance (ie. muscle health). Optimum Metabolic function equals more calories burned. More calories burned equals a POTENTIAL weight loss. Weight loss comes in many different forms. The most common are water weight, and fat metabolism. Depending on the fitness level of the individual weight loss may happen or may not happen. Weight loss can be greatly influenced by the amount of food consumed even when restricting our caloric intake to less than 2,000 calories a day.

Protein is another very important element of nutrition. Protein needs are different depending on the sport of an athlete, individual body composition desires of the individual (how we want to look), and overall fitness and health of an individual.

I found protein to be a major player in my bodies ability to sustain general muscle health, elasticity, and endurance. My protein needs change constantly.

August 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTim Vande Sluis

Keep up the great work Zen. what is the name of that Kroger "rip-off" or better said, generic, formula for lubing ones crotch before or after a long bike ride? the one you mentioned about the ingrown hair inflammation, you know? I fortunately don't need it now, but every so often at the end of a long ride there might be a little discomfort there and I'd like to be proactive to prevent unnecessary complications. thanks!

Oh, and do you know if all caffeine pills are the same? What about salt pills? Does it really matter if it's just a "regular" salt pill versus something advertised as especially formulated for endurance athletes? Sounds like some mkt hocus-pocus to trying convince us its OK to pay more than necessary.


August 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRod

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