ZenTri 580 - Jordan Rapp And Joel Filliol

(Jordan on the bike)
Pro triathlete Jordan Rapp and his coach Joel Filliol join us to talk about Jordan's latest race and how to train right. Joel was Jordan’s coach from 2005 until the beginning of 2009, when he took a job as head coach of Triathlon Great Britain. They started back together Spring of 2014.
After the interview, I give the latest triathlon news and training tips.
(Joel laying down the law)
(Helle Frederikson with towel over treadmill numbers)
Here is the list of questions we covered in the show:
For Jordan
Arizona result was awesome. Do you feel like you are totally back on track?
When you found out Joel was available, did you try to get him back immediately?
What is your ideal training day like?
Bicycles for Relief. 750 bikes. Bikes extend the range of nurses.
You coming to do Texas again?
For Joel
Did you put Jordan back on the Joel program? What do you think he needed to change most?
What is your ideal coaching day like?
How do you know/monitor Jordan’s status?
Helle Frederickson with towel covering treadmill, what’s that about?
Jordan, do you do that sometimes?
Where did you get your training methods from?
From Joel’s blog:
1. Conditioning trumps drills. Technique matters, but the way most athletes try to improve technique doesn't work. Get fitter, and your ability to hold good technique improves. It takes a lot of work to develop aerobic conditioning in your upper body. If you think you are already swimming a lot but are not improving, swim more and keep at it. There are no shortcuts.
2. Traditional drills don't work. The type of drills and the way that most triathletes do them don't actually have any material effect on swimming technique.
16. If you need to write your swim session down on the white board or paper, it's too complicated. Keep it simple. What’s an example?
21. Repetition is your friend. Variety is for the weak minded, and interferes with the learning process. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition.
Other mentions:
DC Rainmaker's review of indoor trainer software.
Tyr's new ankle band/float combo.
How to get hill grade percentages from MapMyRun.com. (Click on image for full-size.)
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