ZenTri 555 - Ben Greenfield and Strong Like Bull Part Two

Join us for part two of Strong Like Bull training camp, an interview with Ben Greenfield about his book "Beyond Training", and triathlon news with Sonja Weick. But first, let's talk about these pictures!
The first one is the climb from Granada, Spain to the top of Pico de Veleta, which is the highest paved road in Europe. As you can see, it's got great views and boulders in the bike lane. Just kidding! There is no bike lane. Don't worry, it's safe. You'll pass out from lack of oxygen far before you get hit by a car.
These are our bikes piled up at the top, leaning against a snowbank. We were so high up, we were actually above the ski resort. This is also photographic evidence that you know somebody that rode a tri bike with a disc wheel up this infamous climb. When you try a climb with gear like this and somebody says it can't be done, mention another triathlete far dumber braver than you did it once already. And of course, I did a brick run of over a mile at the top. Yes, this tri camp goes to eleven.
Here's the map and profile from the climb for your own entertainment (Avg 8% grade). Could you do it faster? Slower? Gearing was 39 x 28.
We made it back to Houston - a place where things are more normal. Ok, "normal" is relative.
And check out my new shifters! Very aero and the closest analog version to electric I can afford.
Alright! There's tons more inside the podcast. Give it a listen and leave your feedback in the comments!
Reader Comments (2)
Having troubles getting the latest podcast, the site says the file cannot be located. Enjoy your podcast and looking forward to applying some techniques to my first Half Iron distance race in August in Duluth, MN.
Love the show, thanks for helping me survive the office!