ZenTri 545 - Vinnie Tortorich, Multitasking, and UberFly

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I am always excited to have Vinnie Tortorich back on the show. This time, he's talking about the audio version of his best selling book. And after I peel him away from ZenTriNurse, I go for a big butterfly swim.
The goal was to cross Lake Bryan swimming butterfly the whole way. Kai is helping support, riding in the front of my buddy Jessie's kayak.
It was COLD! Water temp was 64 and the air temp was low 50's and overcast. I had hoped to go without a wetsuit, but no way in conditions like that. Fly in a wetsuit is actually harder, so it's all good. I swam in my DeSoto T1 wetsuit, which is a two-piece wetsuit that allows tons more shoulder movement than the competition. There is basically no way that I could have done butterfly for that long in a regular wetsuit. Thanks, DeSoto!
To make it an official "double crossing" I got all the way up on dry land when he hit the other side. With 1.2 miles down, I was feeling fine, so I decided to try to swim back fly as well.
This is when my die-hard crew decided that he had more important things to do. Most notably - eat crackers.
Looks like Kai figured I had everything under control, so now it's nap time.
In the end, I lived. 2.4 miles of butterly across Lake Bryan and back! It was a ton of fun and something I'll remember for the rest of my life. Kai was so motivated, he said he wants to try to swim freestyle across the lake next summer.
In the Training Log section of the show, I also talk about multitasking vs. task switching. Most of the material comes from this site and this audio book. Check it out and enjoy!
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