ZENTRI 548 - Christine Lynch and Paul Duncan, Jr.

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(Dirty shoes in the Xterra rooftop box after a muddy trail run)
I take you with me for 75 miles of running in one week, but only after we interview Christine Lynch and Paul Duncan, Jr. Christine is our nutrition guru, talking about holiday health tricks. Paul tells us about training and racing in Vegas, and he's a triathlon coach you should check out.
(Lord Vader's burrito saber at Freebirds)
During the Training Log segment, we cover how to run miles and miles without getting injured. I'm doing this for the Rocky Racoon 100 on Feb. 1. I'm gradually growing the distance with the 10% increase weekly rule. I also break up the runs into shorter distances to prevent injuries and fit the huge volume into my schedule.
(Check it out - I found that fiber optic light for bikes kit!)
This week was 75 miles of running. Next week is 82. We will eventually hit 100 a couple weeks out from race day. Sh*t is about to get really real around here.
And finally, Amrita is holding a Holiday special - 4 BOXES of bars for only $99!
I snack on Amrita bars constantly. They can't be beat for super healthy nutrition!
More updates soon. :)
Reader Comments (2)
Brett a few podcasts ago.... Ok about 6 months ago you were talking about ultraman and how you had some friends on yours who I think wanted to do it also.... Have you thought about doing the iron baby as an ultra for charity and possibly have listeners join you? Random thought Greg
Around the 1:09 mark you discuss throwing counting hours out the window. And instead focus on intervals and getting faster. What you have found lines up with the research and plans outlined in the book "Run Less, Run Faster". I started using these plans a few years ago, (before I started getting in to Tris and was just running). I started smashing my PRs, ran my first Marathon, had more free time and stopped feeling guilty about only running 3 days a week.
I'd actually be interested in a similar plan that incorporates all 3 sports if you come across something.