ZenTri 547 - BCS Marathon Relay

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I was honored to be asked by a group of folks to run the last leg of the BCS Marathon relay. Here are the Spandex Masses at the start line, temps just below freezing.
My portion ended up being 6.7 miles and started right in the middle of the Johnny Manziel Texas A&M campus. Here's me with my ultrabeard, getting ready to kick some ass!
Being a triathlete, I'm both easily distracted and like the water. I quickly discovered a swim meet going on at the Rec Center. Nationals for high school aged club teams, I think. No fat old guys in the water, so I'm pretty sure about that.
Ok, back to the race and out in the cold... I ended up running my portion at a 7:08 pace! That's really fast for me and was also on top of running 55+ miles for the week. Looks like ProjectX training is working really well.
The podcast is full of audio from the race, training notes, and the latest triathlon news. Enjoy and stay safe out there!
Reader Comments (1)
Hey Brett (and whoever else)?
You might like to look at the following list of results:
It is for the newish Xterra Epic Series race in Arkansas (search if the link doesn't work). Trace it back to their page to see the events. This should give you a good gage to stage something in the iron distance timeframe.