ZenTri 551 - AJ Baucco

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Pro Triathlete AJ Baucco joins the show to talk about how he went from being the drummer in a punk rock band to a top pro!
We wrap up our talk with a song from his band, cover some triathlon news, and also detail how to taper for a 100 mile ultramarathon.
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Reader Comments (1)
Hi, ok so I LOVE your podcast, I listen to it during long runs and indoor cycling days in order to zone out and keep my breathing at bay and even rate it a 5 stars on itunes HOWEVER, I was really disheartened at something that came up during the podcast with AJ Baucco (not pertaining to the interview). I debated writing this comment but thought it was important. I hope you take my advice with a positive open mind which is where I am also coming from. . . .
You were going over listener questions, and you were helping a gentleman who had lost 300 lbs (so amazing btw) and he was looking for help and nutritional advice. He had explained to you that he was vegan because he could not digest meat and was worried about his protein intake (among other things). I was quite shocked at the advice you gave him (it seemed unlike you). I realize we all have our own way of dealing with nutrition and I am well aware that people are not inclined to think vegan and endurance sports go well together. BUT he wasn't asking 'IF' he should be vegan, he was telling you he already adopted a vegan diet, at which point you questioned the validity of him stating that he couldn't digest meat and told him he is pretty much screwed if he can't!! You completely shut the door in his face and I was totally sad about that. How depressing to hear that from someone he was looking for advice from like a coach or mentor. Sometimes by admitting that we don't know all the answers is a show of just how intelligent we can be. There are MANY, many, many plant based endurance athletes, websites and tons of literature that you could have referred this gentleman too to help him on his journey. Rich Roll (Ultraman triathlete!), Brendan Brazier, Matt Frazier, Scott Jurek, Matt Danzig, it keeps going . . Protein is not even an issue to plant based endurance athletes (we usually laugh inside when people ask us "where do you get your protein from?" because its so easy to fulfill our daily quotas and usually none of us use spirulina in order to do so).
This person had a valid reason for not eating meat or dairy and placing him into supportive hands of a plant-powered endurance athlete would have been a valuable gift to give to him. (btw I also can not digest meat, if I eat meat I am unable to eliminate it for 72-120 hours, not a fun place to be! I am also lactose intolerant since birth.) Is it slightly more difficult to be a plant-based athlete? maybe depends on how you look at it, but it is 100% possible and getting enough protein is the easy part.
I hope you understand this comment is made with good intentions and I can only hope that you could reach out to this gentleman in the near future and re-open that door for him.
-cheers sadu